Shrimp gnocchi with Avocado creamy sauce 意试大虾🥑奶油疙瘩 可甜可咸风格做法 步骤 图解

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Shrimp gnocchi with  Avocado  creamy sauce 意试大虾🥑奶油疙瘩 可甜可咸风格的做法步骤图

Inspiration: Chinese Artist - Zao Wou Ki    His untitled (birds) painting  to express freedom  air. He is painting with glaze when required, it gives you these deep, fresh and elegant.   

To me, I’ve tried to differ from dairy products for confiding in cream and cheese of which it could make more verdant & lush through Avocado sauce to create another gnocchi is could be happen to you when its all for lighting upItalian cuisine.

灵感来自艺术家赵无极无题(鸟)作品, 他的画风是自由清新,带来淡雅与深沉交织在一起。

对我而言,我尝试用sour cream and cream cheese 品种及作用相互混杂, 加入牛油果酱碰撞出一场翡翠盛宴。这是一场新元素 Gnocchi 美食之事.

原创 Lei


牛油果 1个
酸奶 50克
Cream cheese 30
大虾 6

Shrimp gnocchi with Avocado creamy sauce 意试大虾🥑奶油疙瘩 可甜可咸风格的做法  

  1. 制作以上Gnocchis-土豆熟后捣成泥mash potatoes dropped off 50g flour to knead a ting as the rope to convey 中间放盐胡椒gnocchis circle. 这是传统制作变成长条变成圈 然后水里沸腾半分分钟浮起 . 把大虾肥培根🥓煎下,Gnocchis 倒入sourcream和 ,煮至creamy 牛油果 一起小火搅拌 和肉 虾 , 最后倒入cream cheese 至融化 收汁即可。                                               第一, 熟🥔泥放50克或以上面粉               第二,变成土豆面团揉长条                                        第三, 最后变成gnocchis 圈                                                        第四, 把gnocchis 放沸水半分钟浮起来 拿出                                                                         第五, 混合奶油与牛油果拌上培根与大虾  最后加上芝士收汁

    Shrimp gnocchi with  Avocado  creamy sauce 意试大虾🥑奶油疙瘩 可甜可咸风格的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 灵感来源

    Shrimp gnocchi with  Avocado  creamy sauce 意试大虾🥑奶油疙瘩 可甜可咸风格的做法步骤图 第3张