GF Coconut Chocolate Cookies 无麸椰子巧克力饼干做法 步骤 图解

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GF Coconut Chocolate Cookies 无麸椰子巧克力饼干的做法步骤图

Recipe from YouTube: _HB1_7954


椰子粉 1/3 cup
可可 1/4 cup
泡打粉 1/2 tsp
chia eggs 2
红枣 少量
液体椰子油 1/3 cup

GF Coconut Chocolate Cookies 无麸椰子巧克力饼干的做法  

  1. Bake at 180°C for 15 mins
    8 cookies

    Mom prefers this one over the banana oatmeal cookies. I find it a bit bitter and oily. It was a mistake to use date instead of honey or maple syrup, which was called by the recipe... Also, I’m not sure if chia eggs worked, but it turned out fine. I would maybe give it a 5-6.