超级简单快手烤肉饼meatloaf做法 步骤 图解

烹饪集 人气:2.98W

爱吃肉丸子又嫌一个个搓圆再炸熟麻烦,那就直接一整坨放loaf pan里烤出吧。这是美式meat loaf里一个很经典的配方。基本都是家里常备的材料,只需要拌一拌倒入loaf pan,接着等烤好就行啦~直接吃就很满足,也可以搭配marinara sauce或者BBQ sauce。附上glaze配方,如果你很勤劳就自己做一个更好吃啦。



牛肉末 1 磅
鸡蛋 1个
牛奶 1/6 cup
面包碎panko breadcrumbs 1/2 cup
洋葱 半个
大蒜头 2瓣
ketchup 2 tbsp
fresh parsley/cilantro 2 tbsp
3/4 tsp
无盐综合调料 3/4 tsp
黑胡椒 1/8 tsp
paprika 1/4 tsp
Ketchup 1/2 cup
white vinegar 3/4 tsp
黑糖 1 tbsp
大蒜粉 1/2 tsp
洋葱粉 1/4 tsp
黑胡椒粉 1/8 tsp
1/8 tsp


  1. loaf pan用parchment paper垫好方便脱模。烤箱预热375F。

  2. 洋葱切碎,大蒜切末,所有材料混合。搅拌均匀即可,不要过度搅拌以免肉馅变硬。

  3. 肉馅倒入loaf pan中,轻轻压实,压平,压均匀。放入烤箱中烤15-20分钟左右至全熟。

  4. 小碗中混合所有glaze材料,浇在烤好的肉饼上。放入烤箱继续烤10-15分钟。烤好拿出来静置10分钟即可。

  5. 记录一下各种recipe 一号试验菜谱

    超级简单快手烤肉饼meatloaf的做法步骤图 第2张
  6. 二号 如图

    超级简单快手烤肉饼meatloaf的做法步骤图 第3张
  7. 三号Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Pour the milk over the bread and allow it to soak in or several minutes.
    Place the ground beef, milk soaked bread, Parmesan cheese, salt, seasoned salt, black pepper and parsley in a large mixing bowl. Pour in the eggs
    With clean hands, mix the ingredients until combined well.
    Form the mixture into a loaf shape and place on a broiler pan, which will allow the fat from the meat to drain. Line the bottom of the pan with foil to make clean up easier.
    Lay bacon slices over the top, tucking them underneath the meatloaf.
    Stir the mixture until well combined. Spread 1/3 cup BBQ sauce over the top of the meatloaf.
    Bake for 45 minutes, then pour another 1/3 cup of the BBQ sauce over the meatloaf. Bake for an additional 15 minutes. Serve with the remaining BBQ sauce on the side as dipping sauce

    超级简单快手烤肉饼meatloaf的做法步骤图 第4张