泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake好吃的烹饪方法 泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的地道做法和步骤

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泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤


鸡蛋 100克
黄油 20克
牛奶 500ml
低筋面粉 100克
淡奶油 600ml
泰式红茶 15克
炼乳 20克

泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法  

  1. preapare all the things we need.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. firstly,make the special cream with tea,pour all the cream into the pot and add the tea ,heat them together in order to let the taste and color of tea get into the cream.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. Wait until the cream is not so hot, put it into the fridge for at least 5hours.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. Secondly , prepare the batter.
    put 50g sugar,20g butter and 2pieces of tea into 200ml milk, heat them together.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. put another 300ml milk,2eggs and the flour, mix them together.
    sieving the batter.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. use the pan to make the thin pancake.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张
  7. use the knife to let the pancke out, repeat the step 6, until use off all the batter.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第8张
  8. use the model to cut the pancake into the same shape and size.(6inch )

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第9张
  9. prepare the cream.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第10张
  10. put one piece of pancake with some cream, and use the knife to screed the cream.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第11张
  11. use some cocoa powder to decorate the cake.
    in order to let the cake taste much better , put it into the fridge for 1night.

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第12张
  12. cut it and enjoy it

    泰式奶茶千层蛋糕 Thai tea crepe cake的做法图解 做法步骤 第13张